WebApp for any mobile device



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WebApp's Lookup


Experience the power of InterpretBank's WebApp, the ultimate companion of InterpretBank for professionals on the move. This cutting-edge app enables access to your glossaries from any device, anywhere, without additional installations.

How it works: create an acount directly from your Desktop installation. Synchronize your database with your glossaries. Log in into your account at www.interpretbank.com/app. Now you can look up, edit, learn, and share glossaries with your colleagues, without them needing to own an InterpretBank license on any device. Your data is securely stored on our EU server and remains private. It is not shared or used to train AI resources.

Main features of the WebApp

  • Works on any device (iPhone, iPad, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux) - no need to install any software
  • One-click upload and download your glossaries database Desktop <> Webapp
  • Fast Lookup of glossaries, even without Internet connection
  • Memorization feature to learn glossaries on the go
  • Share/Unshare single glossaries with any colleagues (no license required)
  • Create new glossaries directly from the WebApp

For more info on how to setup your WebApp, see the handbook.