Expert Training for InterpretBank

Introductory Workshops at No Cost

Interested in learning the basics of InterpretBank? Our free online workshops provide:

  • An introduction to InterpretBank
  • A tour of its main features
  • Tips for managing glossaries
  • Guidance on creating your first glossary
  • Instructions for accessing glossaries on any device
  • The chance to ask questions directly to experienced instructors

Meet your instructor

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Our workshops are led by interpreters and trainers who understand both AI and interpreting tools. The next events will be held by InterpretBank expert Claudio Russello.

Claudio Russello is Adjunct lecturer, Interpreter, Audiovisual Translator, and Respeaker. He teaches Interpreting Technologies at the UNINT university in Rome. He gives workshops for national and international interpreter associations and is one of our trusted instructors with a lot of experience around interpretation and InterpretBank.

Next event

  • Date: 30th of May 2024
  • Time: 6pm-7pm CET
  • Language: English

Registration closed